Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hot Air Balloonatic

It's not often you get asked it you want to go Hot Air Ballooning. I'm just a lucky boy I think. After having about 2 weeks of clear crisp cold days with brilliant sunshine the trip promised to be something pretty special. Early morning start though, it really does suck to be me.

Man inside the balloon. It was massive! You could play cricket in it if you wanted. Not while flying mind you.

There she blows.

The local lakes tend to be a lot warmer than the surrounding air at this time of year, so you get some really cool mists lying on the waters. Fun shadows too.

Fantastic views. We got up to a height of about 8000 ft, the weather being perfect. Awe-inspiring, if you will.

Toasty-nice! Mental note: next time take some sausages along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.