Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hanging Around

Paragliding's more sinister sister, hang gliding, is quicker and more queasy that its sibling. They really like to push you to extreme G's, not something to be done the morning after some ales. We took off from the same point as the paragliding, Coronet Peak, where the views are long and stunning and the drop is considerable.

The Wakatipu basin. BIG. Capital B, capital IG.

Trees from above. An unnatural angle to view them from if you ask me.

The way they take the photographs is quite amazing. The balance that the midgets on the end of the pole possess is second to none, particularly when you bear in mind the high winds and lack of harness. You'd think it was just a remote camera, but it's not. I've seen them man, they're real.

Me and Anders enjoying the views. Some people say we got too close up there.

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